Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Reading (Rainbow) Reflection No. 2

Assignment 21A
1) What was the general theme or argument of the book?
In How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big by Scott Adams (makes me think of Adam Scott and his character in Parks and Rec), Scott’s basic idea of the entire book is that failure should be invited into your life and embrace it, and to find what makes you you and make that look like luck to others.
2) How did the book, in your opinion, connect with and enhance what you are learning in ENT 3003?
The book really connected with me because it is basically what I’ve been saying about this class since the beginning in my posts, but just made it more real and gave it even more credibility.
3) If you had to design an exercise for this class, based on the book you read, what would that exercise involve?
The exercise I would create is to write out 5 failures that you’ve had, and turn them into jokes and then try to find how we can learn from that failure.  This is something that I would enjoy because it’s something that I do, and something that I think Adams tries to get us to do when we read his book is to laugh at his failures, but also learn from them.
4) What was your biggest surprise or 'aha' moment when reading the book? In other words, what did you learn that differed most from your expectations?
The biggest “aha” for me actually came from when Adams didn’t feel stressed at all, but was.  This is interesting to me because stress pulls at everyone everyday and we don’t even realize it.  We should all take a step back from our everyday lives and focus on our health and mental well-being.


  1. Hey Jeremiah. I love your ideas for an exercise connected to the book, comedy can always be a creative way to analyze and learn from failures, I think it is great you incorporated that. Given I did not read the book, I was initially confused reading your 5th point, but I get it now. I think often times we allow ourselves to suppress our stress to an unhealthy extent, but hopefully discussing mental health and finding ways to minimize stress can help people deal with stress.

  2. Hi Jeremiah! Id like to start off by saying that your write with a very engaging voice, and it really draws me in as a reader. I also have to say I love the Parks and Rec pictures because its one of my favorite shows, and I see why you connected it to the book you read. I really liked the exercise you designed because I personally believe that failure is a natural instance because nobody is perfect, but failure provides growth. I like the element of laughing at one's failures because I've always been the type that never takes myself too seriously.
