Friday, March 16, 2018

I don't got the juice, I got the SAUCE

The first thing that makes me me is that I’m me.  What does this mean?  Well, there is no one else like me, not even my twin brother.  I’m so uniquely me that it hurts.  The second thing that makes me me is that I have the “it” factor.  What does this mean? Well, any time there is a clutch moment or a time where someone needs to step up, I’m able to step into that role and lead.  The third thing that makes me me is my idiosyncrasies.  I have sayings like, “so ridiculous” and I also make funny faces.  The fourth thing that makes me me is my ideas.  What does this mean? Well, I think a lot differently from most people, which leads me to having different ideas from other people.  The final thing that makes me me is the way it’s so easy for me to communicate with people.  What does this mean? Well, I am easily able to bring people out of their shells and have meaningful conversations with, even if for only a few seconds.

First, my friend, the very funny Josh had some very nice things to say about me.  He said that I think differently, which is very true and it lends to what makes me me like I said above.  I also enjoy messing around on Fortnite because it’s only fun to win if it’s challenging.

Next, my amazing mother also told me some things that make me me.  I think it’s funny how she said “special” instead of different as well.  But yeah, my sense of humor is definitely something that sets me a part from others.
Next, my little brother Jared thinks he’s funnier than me, but I did enjoy some things he said.  It’s also interesting to see how my family is, which they are a big part of my life and I love them and wouldn’t be me without them.

Next is Jacob, who is my twin brother and one of my best friends.  He said that I go my own path and basically that I’m not a follower.  This is also very true.  Thank you Jacob for even doing this interview.

Lastly is my lovely and beautiful girlfriend Gabriella.  She said a lot of awesome things about me, but after the video was really sad she didn’t get to say that I have a very good taste in music.  I think that says a lot about her as well in that she wanted to redo the whole video so that she could say that.  She’s amazing.

I think I have a pretty good understanding of myself and that of myself in other peoples’ eyes.  I have a very distinct brand if you will.  There are some things that they said that I didn’t mention, but that I could definitely see where they are coming from.  There weren’t really any differences, my interviewees were very correct.  I wouldn’t make any “corrections,” but I would make some additions to be sure.


  1. Hey Jeremiah, I want to start by commending you on your interviews. Recording each video as you did brought a degree of honesty and reality to your interviews that I could not replicate with my voice recordings. I think your interviewees did a great job in trying to give an objective opinion. I think you totally could have included a piece about your taste in music, maybe that can be a quality that could help you in a specified business environment!

  2. Jeremiah, sweet job and the secret sauce. I encourage you to find a way to describe yourself and use different language so to not be repetitive. The first section is stagnate because of the constant use of me,me. Great job, and yes do include your taste of music!

  3. Hey Jeremiah, it was refreshing to read such a self-knowing analysis. As humans some of us may look alike, however our thoughts, ideas and voices distinguishes the differences between us. It more refreshing to here your loved ones closest to you acknowledge your unique characteristics. There are numerous differences that differentiate us as humans. Likewise there are numerous similarities that joins us together as human beings.

  4. swett post bro, I love how you included the videos.
    having different ideas is extremely important and thinking outside the box is always a good way to find new business ideas.
    knowing your strength and weakness is really important for every buisness man and entrepreneur.
