Friday, March 16, 2018

Elevator Pitch #2

I didn’t really receive any feedback on my last elevator pitch except that I did a good job with the hook and that it was an interesting idea, but I’ve changed my idea as well as my pitch, and I will hopefully receive similar good things coming back to me.

I switched the pitch entirely because I got a new idea.  The new idea is more exciting to me so
hopefully I showed that in my new pitch. I think I did similar with the last pitch with the exciting hook, just in a different way.   Additionally, I didn’t just sit in front of my computer when I talked, I was on my feet and felt better talking about it.  Overall, I think the small changes I made hopefully lends itself to make my pitch better and more enjoyable for people that have the pleasure of seeing it.


  1. This pitch was significantly better than before. It feel dynamic, in contrast to your last pitch. Simply stand improved that aspect. Those small changed help out. Next, for the pitch, how is your virtual reality product different from what is available on the market? Is it the headset, are you designing a video game that has interactive augmented reality? This idea is still fresh and it's pretty sweet. Keep developing on what you think the customer would want. Great job.

  2. I agree with Henry above, this pitch was much better than before for a few reasons. The usage of more body language definitely helped engage the audience. I also think that change in your idea improved the enthusiasm and tone you used, which effectively grabs audience attention. I think you should probably have more specific details of the product and its intricacies.

  3. Hey Jeremiah. I have always desired the ability to go back in time. I wish I could spend at least 5 minutes in each era to witness the environment in flesh. Your ideal is revolutionary and mind blowing. If we as society were able to go back in time, imagine the amount of lives we could save, the amount of decisions we would amend to receive a more favorable outcome. Great ideal!

  4. awesome idea man , this will utilize the VR technology to the extreme and make it a lot more cooler subject.
    I would recommend you to stay more focused and throw couple of jokes so you can make it easy to communicate with the listeners.
