Friday, March 16, 2018

Custom Customer Avatar

Assignment 16A

The “stereotypical” customer of my time machine as virtual reality idea is such a complex character that it’s hard to put all their interests, hobbies, and favorite things all into a single package.  I would start by saying that the customer is a very fluent person, meaning that they go with the flow, but also have a wide range of interests, hobbies, and favorite things.  Their main favorite hobby might be learning about history and the past, and an interest in alternative histories.  

The car that they mostly WANT to drive is a DeLorean, but also likely to WANT to drive a Tesla.  They’re likely to ACTUALLY drive an older car that they describe as “vintage” even though it’s only a 2010 white Jeep Liberty.  They love TV, such as Game of Thrones (who doesn’t), but especially shows rooted in history like Mad Men, Sopranos, and even Friends.  They don’t have children right now, but are very interested in family life and hope to have them one day.  Just like their favorite character from the Office aka Michael Scott.

Their favorite books are often the classic great American novels, but the book they can read over and over and never get sick of is The Great Gatsby because of it’s portrayal of the dreamers and the American Dream.  

Their favorite music includes the new stuff, but they really love classic rock artists like David Bowie, Tom Petty, the Rolling Stones, and Fleetwood Mac.  They can appreciate artists like Harry Styles, Post Malone, and Sam Smith because of the influence that older artist have on them.  Their favorite Presidents are George Washington (THE FOUNDER OF AMERICA! THE OG!), Abraham Lincoln, John F. Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan, all for their vision and dreams.  They also really like Martin Luther King Jr., and that period of social activism in the 60s and 70s with the whole Woodstock era.  They also like studying Britain’s kings and the medieval periods.  

They are typically millennials, but because of their interests and being kind of “Renaissance” people, they don’t like identifying with millennials.  They are the future, but also the past and present.  They are whole people, not one-dimensional where they can be put down into one category, but complex human beings with day-to-day decision making skills that vary all the time.  They believe in a utopian world, but know that it’s called a utopian world for a reason, even though they wish they could change things.

I think I have a lot in common with the consumer. I think it’s purposefully done that way because one I am most interested in this idea and it’s uniquely mine I believe, and two because I think a lot of people my age feel the same about the things I feel the same about to an extent.


  1. Hey Jeremiah. I think you did a great job of creating a customer that is realistic and shows a great measure of detail. I like how you focused on this characters interests and it could help you moving forward. What kinds of techniques would capture the attention of someone like this? What needs and problems do you share with this person? what similarities does this man share with larger crowds and audiences.

  2. Imagine as if you had this person in front of you, how would you interact with them(he/she). Does your customer have a name? There was a lot of details, which was nice. Get specific with who they are rather than what they do. Overall, fantastic job.

  3. Jeremiah, you did an incredible job with the detail related to this assignment. I honestly feel like i personally knows you target customer due to the level of detail you provided. I shared a lot of commonalities with my own customer avatar just like your self, and I found it was for the same reason. We're both the most interested in our respective ideas, so it makes sense we would share commonalities with them.
