Thursday, February 22, 2018

Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

Assignment 12A
Segment: My idea has changed.  I am instead going to be focusing on a time machine.  For my segment, I am going to focus on young people who are interested in science fiction movies and want to time travel some day.  For the interviews, I sat down with my best friend Josh, my twin brother Jacob, and one of my friend’s friends Dennis.  These three all are young dudes who are interested in science fiction movies that concern time travel.
Josh: For the time machine, Josh thought it would be helpful if he needed some extra time to start studying for an exam.  After exams he doesn’t perform well on, he always wishes he could get a “mulligan” (Josh is also very interested in golf, which he says he wishes he could have unlimited mulligans so that he could get a lower score each round).  This is usually either in the classroom during the exam or after at home when he checks his grades.  Josh doesn’t really Google anything on this, it’s just something that he wishes he could be better at.
Jacob: Jacob seems to mess up with girls a lot, so he wishes he could go back in time and fix some of the problems more easily.  He was telling me about how his hindsight is 20/20, so that he wishes he could take that knowledge back in time, whether it’s talking to girls at the library or so that he doesn’t mess up relationships that he’s in.  Jacob said that he sometimes will Google why things didn’t go right in his relationship and find articles on how to be better.  There isn’t really any answers involving being able to go back and fix them, but rather how he can learn from his mistakes the next time he’s in a certain situation.  Jacob also says that he asks friends or his brothers for help sometimes too, but they often say that they, “don’t have a time machine.”
Dennis: Dennis really loves the idea because he is a big fan of Back to the Future series.  Because all the technology (except time machines) in those films has pretty much came true, he would love to just use the time machine to go back in time to meet some great people of history, such as most notably George Washington and Jesus.  For the problem solving right now (without the time machine), Dennis looks through Google with speeches or notable things they said or said about them.  Dennis really loves history, so going back in time would be helpful.

Summary: From interviews with all three of these people, I learned that there are a lot of reasons that someone in this segment might want to time travel.  The biggest I think though, subconsciously is that it’s to gain wisdom and knowledge from something and then be able to actually use it before they mess up.  Their all young and want to be better people.
Conclusions: Based off of the segment and what I learned from the interviews, I would say that the segment is those that want to get things right without messing up, while still gaining knowledge from failure.


  1. Jeremiah, first off let me say that your idea for this post is really interesting, and it really stimulated interesting conversation in your interviews about how and why people would use the ability to go back in time. I can relate to a lot of the things said in your interviews, especially your buddy who would use it for mulligans on exams.

  2. I like your ideal. I wish I could travel back in time. I agree with Josh, Jacob and Dennis. I wish I could correct mistakes made on homework, exams, history and relations. How different life could be by retracing and changing one decision or action. It's amazing the amount of power one decision or action has on the direction of our life. Hindsight 20/20 right? The past is like spilled milk-unretrievable. One can only look toward the future which is unknown.
