Wednesday, January 17, 2018

My Entrepreneurship Story

Assignment 3A: My Entrepreneurship Story

The entrepreneurial spirit kind of runs in my family.  My grandfather hustled to become the treasurer of a multi-million dollar enterprise, my father put in a lot of work to open multiple businesses of his own in construction, food service, and other focuses as well, and my brothers are all on their way to becoming successful themselves.  Even just recently my whole family has started investing in stocks for as little money as possible to receive a big return on investment.

But, if there is one story that I can remember and laugh about all the time, it’s when my brothers and I were all younger, around the ages of 5-9 (me and my three brothers are all about 2 years apart in age, but my twin is actually the same age as me believe it or not). When we were little, there was a camp that would use our street as a path to get to where the kids had to go.  My brothers and I have always been hustlers, so much like every kid in America, we opened a lemonade stand.   For about 3 weeks each summer, we would sit out in the burning hot sun and try to get people to buy our lemonade, which we did with much success.

Additionally, I took this class (if I’m being 100% honest) because I heard from a lot of past students that it was easier to take than other business classes.  As an advertising student, I needed to have a concentration in another subject, and as a past finance major, business concentration was the fastest choice.  Even though those are my motivations for taking the class, I still hope to gain insight in what it takes to be a great entrepreneur in today’s world.


  1. Wow, your family sounds like it has a really interesting business background! What company did your grandfather serve as treasurer for? Also, I can definitely relate to the hustle of making a few bucks with brothers/friends. I think its important for children to learn the value of the dollar and hard work from a young age. Furthermore, I think learning what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur is valuable information for any individual.

  2. Great story man . My family own a lot of business as well and it motivates me so much in my personal life as well.
    keep up the hustle and consisity and it will always pay off

  3. Thanks, for sharing your entrepreneurship story Jeremiah, it was quite intriguing. It is refreshing to share commonalities with someone else. Investing in stocks is a great way to build wealth from generation to generation. I am very interested in investing in stock however, I’m super scared to take the risk! You have imparted a spirt of adventure upon me. I look forward to taking the plunge by investing in stocks. It is inspiring to hear your entrepreneurship abilities were developed and executed so well, at such a young age. Likewise, I look forward to gaining insight into the world of entrepreneurship.

  4. It’s great that you come from a family of hustlers. I only learned how to deal with rejection when I got to college. If I were exposed to those problems as a child I feel like I would have had so much better perspective growing up.
