Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Bug List

Assignment 2A: Bug List

1.     When my BeatsStudio headphones die and I have to walk to class or sit in the library working on projects without music playing
WHY it exists: The way batteries work, using so much power without recharging the headphones is the reason that they die.

2.     Bikes streaking through the crosswalk by Broward Dining hall without looking both ways for cars coming while I’m driving
WHY it exists: Bikers want to be treated as a pedestrian and as a car whenever they want to be; in this case they think they deserve the right away when they really don’t.

3.     Not being able to get things like my phone or car keys out of my pocket AFTER getting into the car
WHY it exists: My pockets are crinkled up when I sit down, making it harder to pull things like keys and phone out of my pocket.

4.     Having to drive 2 hours to Jacksonville for ice hockey practice every Wednesday night
WHY it exists: There isn’t any ice closer to Gainesville, forcing me to have to drive further to continue to play a game I enjoy playing.

5.     The line at Fats on Tuesday nights being long an hour before they even open
WHY it exists: Fats on Tuesday has become something every UF student wants to take part in, making the lines longer due to popularity and drink specials.

6.     When people are on the phone in Marston Library and don’t leave to have their conversation especially during the busier times of the day
WHY it exists: People are too lazy or don’t trust leaving some of their belongings behind to get up and have their conversations elsewhere.

7.     Airplane boarding groups
WHY it exists: Boarding groups are supposed to help make the boarding of airplanes faster to get people in the air.

8.     The lack of creative opportunities in advertising classes in the CJC
WHY it exists: Advertising classes in the CJC are more focused on getting students Account jobs, whereas a lot of the students want to get into more creative positions more now than ever.

9.     Ads on music streaming services
WHY it exists: Ads are for people who don’t pay for their music, so they’re used to gain more revenue for the streaming service.

10. Having to order a textbook for a class worth $100+ and then never having to use it
WHY it exists: Sometimes it’s the professor pushing their textbooks on students so that they receive even more money.

11. Debit card expiration dates
WHY it exists: Often times, replacement cards are needed so the expiration date is a guideline on when the card’s magnetic strip will be worn out and a new one should be issued.

12. Deadlines
WHY it exists: Things need to get done, if there wasn’t some structure this world would be in chaos.

13. Always Sunny in Philadelphia not being on Netflix
WHY it exists: Fox’s contract with Netflix expired and wasn’t renewed, forcing Always Sunny to relocate to Hulu instead.

14. When my Amazon order doesn’t come in 2 days even though I have Amazon Prime
WHY it exists: My apartment takes a day to process mail and then send it instead of my order coming right to my door.

15. Getting accused of not being 21 at bars and they try to kick me out even though I’m 22
WHY it exists: During busy times at bars it’s really easy for underage kids to get in, and my id is a Pennsylvania id, which bouncers often times think is fake even though it is not.

16. Mixtapes like Dedication 6 by Lil Wayne not being on Spotify
WHY it exists: Labels own the licensing of the mixtapes, so even though the mixtape is free without the label or artist’s consent Spotify cannot put them on their service.

17. When people think the Last Jedi was actually a good movie
WHY it exists: the Last Jedi had incredible visuals, a great cast, and was a Star Wars film, which has a lot of weight on being considered a good film or not based on reputation.

18. When people say that Jack Dawson could have fit on the door at the end of Titanic
WHY it exists: Yes, the door could have fit two people on it, but it’s more of a science question than just if they both could have “fit” together on the door.

19. How buses smell terrible
WHY it exists: People don’t shower/use deodorant and windows on the buses are nonexistent.

20. When people don’t take me seriously

WHY it exists: I joke around a lot and am very sarcastic so my seriousness and joking are often times blurred together.


For the exercise, I didn’t experience any problems until I got to about the 15th or 16th “bug” I had.  I just sat and thought, “what are the things that really bother me when I do (blank).”  And from there the bugs just kind of came naturally. 

It started getting tricky at about 15 because I hadn’t thought about my interests and things about my interests that aggravated me.  I’m really passionate about film and music, so using those as inspiration sparked the ideas for what bugged me about them.  Also, I think putting “why” in all caps helped me keep in that mind set of asking why for each “bug.”

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your Bug List Jeremiah, it was hilarious. Just like you, I find airplane boarding procedures very annoying. I wish it were possible to amend the airplane boarding procedures. I truly believe the airlines should operate on a first come, first serve basis. Think about, we would be able to sit in whichever seat of our liking. In addition, we would receive the best space for our luggage. It would be fantastic! Unfortunately, I am not the inventor of an airline. Hey, maybe that’s a potential entrepreneurship ideal. I agree, the further I worked on my Bug List, the more difficult it became. This assignment, displayed the lack of importance of complaints. There is a reason for every annoyance.
